Katia’s Waltz
Upon request
The Anniversary – A Tone Poem
Upon request
For piano, orchestra, choir, and latin mambo trio. Based on the scale tones corresponding to the numbers in the date 8/10/1974. That motif appears 40 times in the 8 minute piece. Meant to accompany a slide show or video of family photos.
The musical sections:
- Dreaming of the future
- The bride and groom as babies and children
- The bride and groom before meeting, in the busy-ness of education and life
- The wedding
- The ethereal call from spirits of future children
- The lives of actual children and grandchildren
- The bride and groom content in the fulfillment of their dreams
Laura’s Long View
Upon request
August Anniversary
This melody is based on the scale tones corresponding to the date of my dad’s anniversary: August 8, 1950.
Upon request
Suk Ming
When I lived in Louisiana my favorite thing was picking blueberries to support my gallon-a-day habit. One day the orchard was closing but the voice in my head said stay a little longer. I argued with it, but it persisted. A little while later a car drove up and since I was the only one still there I showed them where the buckets were and how to pick. Two members of the family in the car became my friends, and one ended up designing most of my logos. This song is based on the numbers of her birth date.
Upon request
Here’s one based on July 19, 2014, my niece’s wedding.
Jill’s Day
Upon request
Or try Dec. 4, 1965:
Upon request
Thank you, Ron.